Monday, July 21, 2008

Discipline and Commitment

About 6 months ago, a bunch of us pledged to get into shape enough to run the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon held this past weekend. We had big plans that included making team t-shirts.

I had visions of us all crossing the finish line together - arms linked - while "Rocky" music played on the loud speaker. In my dream there would be tears of joy and a chorus of cheers "JODI! JODI! JODI!" as mobs swarmed to congratulate me.

Anyhoo - the big day came and guess how many of us ran the half?

Just my bro.

Since my new goal is to not beat myself up too badly, I will just say that I will try again next year.

My brother stuck to his goal and DID IT!

(Sorry Bro, you're going to HATE this - but I'm going to brag on you for a minute.)

Brian started slowly working out last January. He wrote a hilarious post on my blog about making a lifestyle change (click here to read it). He thought he was overweight (I never thought so) and wanted to live his life with commitment and discipline.

He started going to a gym. Then he joined a running group. He ran a 5k and a 10k. All of this was in preparation for the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon.

I should say here that Brian HATES running. It has never been something that he enjoyed - which is all the more reason why he is so inspiring.

He also travels frequently with his job but still found time to fit exercise in.

Me and my bro at the finish line.

Brian's not much for praise and attention. He quietly goes through life accomplishing goals (he just purchased his first home this month) and pushing himself to succeed. I got emotional watching him run to the finish line. Sorry Rocky wasn't playing. It would have been playing if it was up to me!

Thanks Brian for being an inspiration to me. You always have been. You are absolutely incredible. Word to your mother. Peace out.


tammy said...

Never give will make it in your own time. Trust me on this one!!!

Da Bergs said...

AWESOME! I wish I had the will power! I am too stinkin' lazy!!!

Let us know if you do it next year, we will come and cheer ya on to the end!

kitchenditcher said...

"Aaadriennnnnee" That's my best Rocky impersonation! Dang, I HATE running. I'm with do it and we'll come and pass out water!! Walking is more my speed!

Anonymous said...

YAY FOR HIM!!! And I am glad you went ahead and bragged about him!!! :) He deserves it!!!

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Wooo Hoo Brian! Way to go.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The name "Brian" means Noble, Strong, Virtuous Hill.

You live up to your name. I am pleased and honored to know you.


Jan said...

Way to go Bro. That is so awesome that he stuck it out to the very end. I can't believe he went alone. He was determined. I am thinking some sort of hero medal from the fall out guys. Huh..

Brian you did so great that you may have inspired me. Way to go.

Lookin good Red. Woo Hoo.

tiki_lady said...

OHHH I am so happy for your brother and he reaching his goal. I USED to LOVE LOVE to run and then I had a botched knee job of a torn ACL and meniscus and the knee has never been the same. It has some to do with the added weight gain for me, but in all truthfulness, I could have stilled dealt with the eating portion despite the knee not cooperating. He has a lot to be proud of!

chelle said...

Good job Brian. I love to run. Well, I guess I should say, I love the feeling after I run. I don't love the durning part so much. M

chelle said...

Red~ have you heard of slow starts great finishes? m

ktmay said...

what an awesome guy! i love goals. i am totally making this a goal- to run a marathon. probably a short one to start with. that sounds like an awesome thing to achieve! i am inspired. thank your bro.

ktmay said...

what an awesome guy! i love goals. i am totally making this a goal- to run a marathon. probably a short one to start with. that sounds like an awesome thing to achieve! i am inspired. thank your bro.

Linda said...

Thank you for letting us know about your have good reason to be proud of him! It's so much more fun to run a race with a partner but he participated anyways! Way to go Brian!

Don't feel guilty that you didn't join him...there's always next year!

Janell said...

I am chanting "jodi jodi jodi" over here - just because I wanted to. Maybe at our big "non-reunion because we've never met" next summer we can do something to Rocky music. Like eat ice cream because we are now so skinny we can take a weekend off.

Congrats to your bro - so good for him!!

Anonymous said...

That's so great! I'm impressed he did it alone. That would be hard on me.

Don't worry, you'll do it next year. This will also give the coordinators of it time to find your Rocky music!

Pancake said...

Why you all run, I will be with Deb abd Shaila handing out water and cheering!!!

Cograts to your bro!!

Scrappy Girl said...

You'll do it next year! Congrats to your bro.

Scrappy Girl said...

You'll do it next year! Congrats to your bro.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jodi for posting these embarrassing pictures of me (Seriously, am I running in that first picture???). Thanks to everyone who has posted a comment as well. It felt great to accomplish a goal for once. Jodi is the reason I ran this. After seeing her courage and resolve with everything she went through I felt a new kind of inspiration.

Change is possible if you're committed and patient. I have just begun on my journey. Somehow I was able to train for and run a half-marathon w/o losing any weight. But it will come. I'm going to run it again next year and it will be fun to have some company. I'll get the Rocky music set up for us.


Jan said...

I tagged you Red.