Monday, October 13, 2008

Embarrassing brothers

Growing up, I was sandwiched between two brothers. One was five years older and the other was five years younger. Now that I'm in my older and wiser (cough!) years, I can say that I have the greatest brothers in the world. But back when I was in high school - they were horrifyingly embarrassing and were especially ruthless when a guy showed up at my door to take me on a date. Oh, I dreaded those times like a fiery, burning pit in my soul.

Okay - to be fair, it was mostly my older brother Ken. But, younger brother Brian, I have not yet forgiven you of the air freshener incident that caused the minor fire in the brand new car for which I have taken the blame all of these years.

But getting to the point.

My sweet daughter Elora had an experience this weekend that she will not likely forget due to the embarrassing antics of her brother.

The story goes like this:

Elora: Hey Larissa, take a picture of me wearing the hat that "L" gave me
Larissa: Why?
Elora: So I can send it to him. He wanted me to send him a picture of me.

The photo was taken. The photo was sent to "L".

Hours later, Elora had a better look at the picture, and shrieked at the top of her lungs....

*The above photo is posted by permission. Elora's authorization and release are on permanent file in the family archives.

I'm so sorry Elora.

Brothers aren't always embarrassing - it's just that they usually are when we don't want them to be. (deep thought, I know).