Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Total geekdom

I live on a mountain that is about 20 minutes away from a grocery store. For four years I have laboriously traveled the well-worn roads to buy food, muttering and sputtering angrily under my breath at the sheer inconvenience of it all!

So, imagine my joy when I learned that a new store was being built at the bottom of the hill - a mere 10 minutes away. Further - imagine the shrieks and excitement my family endured several months ago when I learned that the new store to be built was a Harmon's.

The only store I will frequent is Harmon's. Why, you ask? I'll list the reasons in order of importance:
  • Because Harmons has good prices.
  • They have a very user friendly layout and I know where everything is.
  • I'm a creature of habit.
  • It's right next to Little Caesar's - hence, Crazy Bread.
  • They offer discounts on gas.
  • They have friendly people.
  • They have Boar's Head meat.
  • They have a drive-up window for prescriptions. (WOW I'm old).
  • They load my groceries for me (wait, maybe this should be first).
  • Bean doesn't shop there (wait, maybe this should be first). I'm clearly still fuming over his Dan Fogelberg comment.

But I digress.

Today was the grand opening and guess who was there with an idiotic, half-dazed perma-smile? Me. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

Yes, I took my camera with me to the grand opening of Harmon's.

Wouldn't you?

Another angle of it's spectacular grandeur.

This picture was taken as I was pulling into their drive and load area. I was giggling like a little girl.

Today, the world was beautiful.

1 comment:

Janell said...

Being close to a store you love - I can so empathize!!! Glad you had the camera for documentation purposes! Love it!