Growing up, I was sandwiched between two brothers. One was five years older and the other was five years younger. Now that I'm in my older and wiser (cough!) years, I can say that I have the greatest brothers in the world. But back when I was in high school - they were horrifyingly embarrassing and were especially ruthless when a guy showed up at my door to take me on a date. Oh, I dreaded those times like a fiery, burning pit in my soul.
Okay - to be fair, it was mostly my older brother Ken. But, younger brother Brian, I have not yet forgiven you of the air freshener incident that caused the minor fire in the brand new car for which I have taken the blame all of these years.
But getting to the point.
My sweet daughter Elora had an experience this weekend that she will not likely forget due to the embarrassing antics of her brother.
The story goes like this:
Elora: Hey Larissa, take a picture of me wearing the hat that "L" gave me
Larissa: Why?
Elora: So I can send it to him. He wanted me to send him a picture of me.
The photo was taken. The photo was sent to "L".
Hours later, Elora had a better look at the picture, and shrieked at the top of her lungs....
*The above photo is posted by permission. Elora's authorization and release are on permanent file in the family archives.
I'm so sorry Elora.
Brothers aren't always embarrassing - it's just that they usually are when we don't want them to be. (deep thought, I know).
Brothers are the best aren't they. At torture :) Hang in there, they become somewhat normal. Cute picture really.
That is too funny!
I have an olderand younger brother. I totally understand!!!
I don't have any brothers and my children don't have any brothers so I guess we'll have to wait for the next generation! Funny pic though...sorry Elora!
That is a classic! Just last night I was trying to take a picture of one of the kids and two of them were there in a split second putting bunny ears on the subject. Boys!
At least he wasn't picking his nose. I have a picture with *someone* doing that in the background. Lovely.
Ahh, brothers......
Snort! I know your brothers and can testify that they are the ultimate teasers. Clearly, Connor learned from the best. LOL!
Classic. I have three older mean sweaty hairy older brothers!!! I so know your and Elora's pain!!! M
It does get better.
Thank you for stopping in over at my blog. It was so exciting to find I had a new follower this morning.....:D I hopped on over to your blog and have been reading your, love, love it........=D ( I do hope you are feeling better? ) Loved the photo of the monkey......I felt like that last week too!!
Our son is always teasing his sister and playing pranks on her......he is 22 and she is 15. He no longer lives at home ( just bought his very first home ) So when they are together, he really makes up for lost time......In a big brothers gonna tease and torture you all day kind of way.............=}
Darn brothers! They are there to protect you from others just so they can save all the tormenting for themselves. I should know!!!
But I love my brother!
I grew up with 4 younger brothers. Hated them growing up, peeing on the toilet everyday, asking me to pull their finger, burping at the dinner table, popping the heads of by Barbies off. But...Yea, like you I now love and adore them. Honestly don't know what I'd do with out them.
I had one younger brother that was a pain in the neck but my son is the champ at making his older sister SHREIK!! This is exactly what Photoshop was invented for. I bet a sister with a brother created Photoshop.
BROTHERS! TOO funny! Well, prob not to Elora!!! Sorry... they never really grow up!
Alright Jodester! I just bought one of your Nancy Drew games. We're heading off to Lake Powell in the morning with Greg's family and I thought that game might keep the girls entertained on the trip. I sure hope it lives up to your hype!
Yes, and one more thing is that "L" is still a fairly new guy too. *shakes head* What can you do about brothers? Well since Darren left I've wondered if he left Connor with instructions to torment me...
brothers are a catch 22 for sure.
Just tell her in 20 years she'lll love them again.
Oh brother! I mean brothers! I found your link on Jody's blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! We seem to have a lot in common,the least being we are both named Jodi and we even spell it right! lol
I'll be back!
BROTHERS!!!! Too funny! I want to hear about the air freshener story!
Funny picture!
some how I believe it is their passage to being great dads and husbands! hang in there, its for a good cause!!! LOL
seriously, they must take it out on their sisters. I want to hear the air freshner story too
oh I just love it so much!!!! this is too good.
I truly feel for Elora. I have five brothers...and they haven't changed all that much.
I always wanted a brother. I have all sisters.
Maybe I am glad I didn't? NO. I still wish I had one!
Sorry, but that photo is classic!
I think that it can't all be blamed on the brother in this picture. The other sibling that was snapping the shot was somewhat involved and that would be the younger sister. Poor Elora, she just wanted to send a decent photo to her new-found-man.
LOL - that is too funny!
I never had a brother and always wished I had one..but now I think I've changed my mind. Deepest sympathies Elora!!
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