Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dad - put your dancing shoes on....

I have the best father in the world and wouldn't you know...today is his birthday. New Year's Eve! He likes to say that the whole world celebrates his big day.

My dad has his own blog - check it out here!

Happy Birthday Gene Gene the Dancing Machine!!


P.S. - Hey dad - before we come over to party at your house tonight, I just have to know... did you take down your Christmas tree yet? I just don't dare run the risk of witnessing another 'incident' where you accidentally knock it over. If you recall, mom shook with laughter for days and the memory of the tree lying on its side has haunted me for years.

P.P.S - Oh - and just so that I can prepare myself - are you going to tell the infamous Scotty Pippen (aka Potty Skippin') joke again this year? How about your elephant imitation? Are you going to pepper us with snipits of the Herman the Worm story? Will you wax philosophical about the good ole Alma days with Turkey Jim?

P.P.P.S - Can we finally put to rest the debate that Springville, UT is the drug capital of the world?

P.P.P.P.S - If we end up playing Scattergories, don't be mad if we don't let you count "Foghorn Frieda, the famous floozie from Flauttisville, Florida" as 7 points, k? That was really quite a stretch.

P.P.P.P.P.S - Oh yeah- and would you mind if your daughter thinks you are the funnest, craziest, kindest, bestest, and most giving dad in the world?


Cynthia said...

It is my honor to know Gene in real life. He is the KING of the corny joke- and that's saying something because my Daddy ain't no slouch in the department!

Happy birthday, Gene.

tammy said...

PPPPPPS. Hilarious. How do dads know all the corny jokes?

Scrappy Girl said...

Happy Bday to your dad...sounds like a fun guy!

My BIL drives me NUTS when we play Scattergories. This Christmas he tried to get away with Binky the Big Boobed Bratwurst for a fictional character. He also once argued that a Romato was a new kind of tomato. Argh!

DesertHen said...

Happy Birthday to your dad...will pop over and check out his blog.

Sounds like a good time will be had by all tonight...have fun and stay safe.

Happy New Year to all of you!!=)

Brian said...

PPPPPS. If there is a lot of garbage that you need to haul up the stairs tonight please stop when you see the bag is tearing and do not try to "outrun" the disaster by sprinting up the stairs faster and sending garbage everywhere.

I don't know if I would classify my dad's jokes as "corny". They're bad, i'll admit, but there's also a genius to them. Plus they are 100% original. My dad is the most creative person I have ever met and his humor is all about brightening other's day (as opposed to self-serving or mean-spirited).

Everybody tells me I am becoming more like my dad which I take great pride in. Also, so is my other brother. Last week he called Jodi's blog "Red Hairdo's". The transformation is nearly complete.

Happy Bertday Dad.


Carrie said...

Happy Birthday to your dad and a very Happy New Year to you!

Lisa Loo said...

I love your family--I think I want to be adopted! Red Hairdo's---too funny! Happy Birthday to your Dad--and a really clever way to list all of his "treasured" qualities!

What I really came over for tho is-------ANOTHER REASON THAT I KNOW YOU ARE MY KINDRED SPIRIT!!!!

I just read the comments on Tammy's blog--I can't decorate either-and I don't wear jewelery--and I have always been to embarrassed to admit it--I love ya!

Doran & Jody said...

Eh heh. LOL. Looks like I am going to miss out on one great birthday party. Happy Birthday 'DAD'!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!
Cute post.

Happy New Year!

Jen said...

What a hoot Red! You've got a cute father and he even has his own blog to boot! Now I knew there was a reason I liked him! Ha. Happy birthday pap!

kitchenditcher said...

I sooooo miss my dad. He had the greatest sense of humor and could always make me laugh. You are one lucky daughter!

Michele said...

Happy Belated birthday to your dad... I hope it was a fun one... he sounds like such a riot to be around and he says the exact thing my husband says about mine because I celebrate it New Year's Eve as well... anywhere I go, there's always a party happening... LOL...

Anyways, have a wonderful New Year!


The Garden Maiden said...

My son and your Dad share the same birthday! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be checking yours out too! Have a super duper great 2009!

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