Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pity Party Hoodoo Style!

Many many thanks to all of you who read and/or commented on my last blog entry! You deserve medals for putting up with me. Thank you soo much for your many ideas and suggestions. I thought about them all weekend.

You might be happy to know that I have ended my pity party and have pushed myself into action. ;)

I am creating a blog dedicated to weight loss and fitness. Making my goals and progress public just might be the catalyst I need to stick with the plan this time. I'll post it within the next few days.

Thank you, blogging friends. You are all so patient and wise and wonderful and I appreciate you!

Tomorrow is a new day.

*Life was meant to be lived, and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
Eleanor Roosevelt


Jan said...

Your are already inspiring just by this post. I can't wait to hear all about your progress and we will be on the sidelines cheerleading. Bye Red.

Linda said...

Having to lose weight is sooo frustrating. Lucky for me, I haven't had to really watch my weight per se...until now!

I'm at that stage in my life where my hormones are whacky and so is my weight. I've put on close to 10 pounds and have done nothing different...and am eating less!

It's frustrating to say the we'll both just go through this together and encourage one another. Let us know the name of your new website so we all can be apart of this journey. Good luck to both of us!!

Anonymous said...

As High School Musical says..."We're all in this together..."
You can do it, and we'll be here to cheer you up and on!

Scrappy Girl said...

Love that you have picked yourself up and have excitement about getting started!

julie said...

I take off my hat to you! Yeah! I know it will happen. It is the hardest thing for me too. A never ending battle. In heaven chocolate is diet food, I decided! Hope I won't be disappointed!