Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Josh Groban

I asked Todd to stop by Deseret Book on his way home from work yesterday to pick up a cd that I wanted. He came home with a Josh Groban dvd that was filmed at the concert we attended last August. It came out a few weeks ago. I just have to say that it was the best concert I have ever been to.

Here are two clips from it. The first is of Josh Groban singing "In Her Eyes". The second clip is from a guest violinist - Lucia Micarelli. She is unbelievably talented. The first part of the song starts out pretty slow - but you need to watch the entire clip - it is sooo good. No one has posted the dvd version on youtube so I found a clip that was taken at the actual concert. Actually, I think this clip is from the same concert a few weeks earlier - but the same performance. Enjoy!

You really need to watch this entire clip - it gets good! Trust me. =)

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