My husband likes guns.
Guess where he wanted to go to celebrate his birthday?
Yes. The shooting range.
We took the whole family.
And realized that Elora has her dad's genes and likes to shoot, too.
Even gramps went.
But really, as much fun as we all had - the most important aspect of this event is that Todd had a birthday - which means that I get to brag about my cute husband.
There are so many things I could say about my incredible Todd - it would take pages and pages of this blog.
I won't bore you with extended sappiness and will just say that he is absolutely amazing. He works hard for his family and is completely devoted to us. He is patient and caring and funny and intelligent and EVERYONE adores him. He can also fix anything and saves us a boatload of money because we don't have to hire a contractor.
And even though he likes guns - he would NEVER hurt a furry critter with one.
After 10 years of marriage - he still brings a smile to my face when he comes home. I am the luckiest woman in the world.
Happy Birthday!
aaaw! That is soooo sweet! What a great tribute to your husband!
from what i know about him he seems like a great guy.
Jodi--you ARE a lucky woman!!
Love the picture of the grandpa at the shooting range - classic!! So happy you have such a good guy for a husband!
It's the mental and dangerous stuff Jodi left out. I'm an ex-Marine with psycho problems. The meds are pretty powerful but she has a taming affect on the beast inside of me and has trained that beast to answer with, "Yes dear" everytime.
Thanks for the kind words Babe! Love You!
Is Todd the one in the basement? No, that's bear. I know who Todd is. Yeah, he's a great guy.
Wow, now i know i am way behing since the last post is in may , however i just read it so.. You guys fit the american psycho look, a nice normal family...packing heat. Egads! You all look great! I just wanted to stop in here and say that i to believe that Todd is the best. He has been a great uncle but he is also a great many things. Superb Realtor. Pulls miracles out of a hat and moves people into great houses. Helps anybody with anything whenever he can and always does it with a smile and sincere words. Todd you are great. I know its late so i hope that you all had a great Mothers day and fathers day.
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